Friday, July 18, 2008

We Usually Hate Car Trips

They're boring! Of course, we're totally wired back there, what with ipods, Nintendo DS, DVD player, Mom's computer... It's like a virtual command center where we never have to acknowledge the outside world. Why count cows or play alphabet games? "Golden Gate" what? Who cares? fagettaboutit... Then of course, there's Dad, who has to point out every detail ("Hey kids, did you see the spots on that cow?") while we pretend to be asleep or unable to hear over our head sets.

Such is the state of summer car trips, 2008. That and five dollar per gallon gasoline, but we don't care about that right now. At the moment all we care about is getting to Portland. We will try to blog and add photos as often as we can but hey, we're kids.

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